Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Planning and Design for Nias Reconstruction

These are some materials related to Planning and Design for Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction. To Download, please click the link as follow:

1. Strategy of Urban Planning and Regional Development of South Nias District (Bahasa Indonesia)


2. Memorandum about Development of New District Building in Ononamolo Nias (Bahasa Indonesia):


3. Memorandum about Urban Design for Nias District (Bahasa Indonesia):


4. Memorandum 2: Penataan Ruang Formal dan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (Bahasa Indonesia)


All materials prepared by T. Nirarta Samadi (Urban Design Advisor/Deputy Director and Head of Planning and Controlling of BRR Nias Regional Office)

Monday, November 3, 2008



Nias was largely affected by the Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 26th 2004. Another earthquake on March 28th 2005 had a large affect on the island again causing widespread damage to both private property and public infrastructure and a significant number of deaths.

A series of detailed logistics assessments were carried out in Nias during early to mid 2005, but much of this information is now over 12 months old, and in need of updating. After both an initial request from BRR, and with the currency of the information in mind, the assessment team spent a week in Nias with the aim of developing an updated Logistics Capacity Assessment (LCA) of the island.

During 7 days of road and port assessments, meetings and liaising with UN agencies and Humanitarian Aid Organisations in Nias, the team has been able to bring together the information contained in this report. This information provides the basis for an accurate depiction of the challenges and problems associated with moving people, cargo and other materials by both land and sea in Nias.

To Download Nias LCA Report Final please click this link:

During July 2006, Terry Burns together with Dylan Shaw and Arfandi Bachtiar of WFPSS produced the Nias Logistics Capacity Assessment report depicting the logistic problems associated with moving people, cargo and other materials by both land and sea in Nias. The assessment concentrated on the infrastructure components of ports, roads and bridges.

As a follow-up to that assessment, George Kuru was engaged through AIPRD to prepare a Logistics Plan for Nias Reconstruction Program to assist BRR to resolve the full gambit of logistics issues including procurement, depots, shipping and fuel, as well as infrastructure repairs and development.

Herein is Nias Logistics Capacity Assessment Follow-up report, produced by Terry Burns, that is intended as complementary information to (i) the original Nias Logistics Capacity Assessment report, and (ii) George Kuru’s Logistics Plan for Nias Reconstruction Program report

To download Nias LCA Follow-up Report please click this link:

Background information were copied from original documents.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lessons from Nias Housing Reconstruction

More than 14,000 houses totally damage and other 30,000 houses need to be repaired. Meanwhile, most people houses in Nias are vulnerable for the disaster that need to be addressed with good lesson of construction from the reconstruction phase an also can be applied in other disaster prone areas. These are some materials to be downloaded for your lesson:

1. Lesson from Nias Housing Reconstruction:
A. Bahasa Indonesia:

B. English:

2. Advise of Housing Reconstruction for a Village in Nias (Bahasa Indonesia):


3. Memo for Housing Advisory Board (Bahasa Indonesia):


4. Impact of BRR Housing Project in Nias (Bahasa Indonesia):


5. Work Paper Housing Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (Bahasa Indonesia):


6. Variables of Housing Construction Plan (Bahasa Indonesia):

7. Reconstruction concept for Housing & Settlement (Bahasa Indonesia):


8. Guarantee Mechanism for Housing Project (Bahasa Indonesia):


9. Build Back Better for Housing Project (Bahasa Indonesia):


All documents were prepared by T. Nirarta Samadhi (Urban Planning Advisor/Deputy Director and Head of Planning and Controlling of BRR Nias Regional Office)

Nias Microhydro Power Final Fact Finding Report


The objective of fact finding mission in the provinces of Nias and Aceh was to assess the micro hydro power potential as an option for energy generation in the two regions asa means of supporting the long term economic development of these Tsunami and earthquake affected areas.

The main focus of the mission was in Nias where a total of 4 sites were assessed. In Aceh 1 potential site was assessed.

In total 12 locations were identified proposed as potential MHP sites. Three of these were proposed by BRR Nias and eight were proposed by other institutions.

To download the report please click title of the page or this link:

Copied from original summary

Handbook on Good Building Design and Construction

Handbook on Good Building Design and Construction
Aceh and Nias Islands


Copyright © 2007
UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok
United Nations Service Building, 3rd Floor
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200 Thailand
Tel: (66 2) 288 2129
Fax: (66 2) 288 3032
Email: regionalcentrebangkok@undp.org
Website: http://regionalcentrebangkok.undp.or.th/

The Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
International Environmental House II,
Chemin de Ballexert 7-9
CH-12199 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (41) 22 917 8908
Fax: (41) 22 917 8964
Email: isdr@un.org
ISBN: 974-94873-5-4

Purpose of the Handbook
This Handbook is made to provide simple information to house
owners, house designers and builders, and building monitors to
teach principles of good design and good construction in a natural
hazard prone area. Thoroughly studied, they will also guide on
whether to repair or rebuild damaged houses. The descriptions are
followed by a code of minimum standards for construction of houses
in Aceh and Nias Islands.

Since many concepts are not easy to describe, the hand- book contains
pictures to facilitate understanding.The photographs have all been
taken of construction practices in the reconstruction of Aceh and
Nias since the great Tsunami and earthquake of 26 December 2004
and the second major earthquake of 28 March 2005.Aceh, Nias and
nearby islands, and other areas along the west coast of Sumatra, are
earthquake and tsunami prone, and are also subject to flooding
due to sudden downpours of rain. The principles of this book are
designed to minimize vulnerability to these natural hazards.

In an area that is prone to earthquakes, not only principles of design
are important, but also principles of construction, since the best
designed house, which has been well covered and painted, may
hide serious structural defects in the construction. These defects
may lead to serious injury and death, and loss of property, when the
forces of nature strike the house.

Let us develop a culture of safety in all our buildings, not just doing
the minimum and the cheapest, but building houses that will
safeguard families and assets in times of emergency.To download please click title of the post or this link:


Copied from original purpose of the book

Action Plan of Aceh and Nias Reconstruction

The book of Action Plan of Aceh and Nias Reconstruction published by Department of National Development Planning of the Government of Indonesia (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Bappenas). This official document was produced as part of Aceh-Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Blue Print and to be the main guideline for reconstruction of Aceh and Nias on 2007 and beyond. To download this document please click title of this page or click the link: (Bahasa Indonesia)


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Progress Report of IDPs in Nias Feb 07

After Indian Ocean Tsunami on December 2004 and Earthquake hit the Island of Nias, there were thousands of family lost their home and forced out as Internal Displaced People. They were lived under the emergency tents in the emergency phase then in the reconstruction phase moved to permanent houses or temporary shelters. This is progress report of IDPs in Nias (Feb 2007) that can be downloaded by click the title of the page or this link:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pengembangan Aksebilitas Desa dengan Partisipasi Masyarakat

Salah satu masalah yang serius dalam pengembangan ekonomi dan rekonstruksi Nias adalah minimnya infrastruktur transportasi. Bukan hanya jalan-jalan utama di Nias yang sulit dilalui kendaraan, tetapi juga jalan-jalan desa. Kondisi transportasi yang buruk ini menyebabkan masyarakat terisolir dan sulit mengembangkan perekonomian mereka.

Setelah 3,5 tahun rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi, capaian dalam bidang transportasi ini cukup baik. Jalan-jalan utama telah dibangun kembali menjadi jauh lebih baik dari keadaan sebelumnya. Waktu tempuh ke berbagai pusat perekonomian (Gunungsitoli, Lahewa, Sirombu dan Teluk Dalam) telah jauh berkurang......lebih dari setengah waktu tempuh sebelumnya.

Bersamaan dengan itu, jalan-jalan desa pun diperbaiki. Salah satu capaian penting dalam pengembangan aksesibilitas desa ini adalah program Pengembangan Sarana dan Prasyarana Desa (PSD) BRR Perwakilan Nias. Program PSD ini dikembangkan dengan pendekatan community-driven Approach, dimana masyarakat sendiri yang merencanakan dan melaksanakannya.

Untuk mempelajarinya lebih jauh, silakan download dengan mengklik judul prosting ini atau pada link berikut: http://rapidshare.com/files/158271564/Partisipasi_Masyarakat_Rekonstruksi_Nias_Program_PSD_BRR_Nias.pdf

BRR dan Pembangunan Rumah Berbasis Masyarakat di Nias

Paparan mengenai pembangunan rumah berbasis masyarakat di Kec. Gido Nias. Di wilayah ini BRR Perwakilan Nias membuat Pilot Project Pembangunan rumah yang dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat sendiri, sebagai bagian dari community-driven approach yang dikembangkan di BRR Perwakilan Nias sejak tahun 2006.
Untuk download materi ini dapat mengklik judul posting ini atau klik link berikut ini: http://rapidshare.com/files/158235253/Success_Story_Rekonstruksi_Rumah_Berbasis_Masyarakat_di_Nias__Kec_Gido.pdf

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Info Kit Nias Reconstruction 2005-2006 in Bahasa Indonesia

To DOWNLOAD Info Kit Nias Reconstruction (Booklet) in 2005-2006 (Indonesian version) please click the title of this post or click the link at the bottom of the cover picture of the Info Kit.
You will have a simple but overall description of rehabilitation and recostruction in Nias during 2005-2006.
This Info Kit was prepared by T. Nirarta Samadhi (Koni) as head of Planning and Controling Unit of BRR Nias Regional Office.

Agencies and NGOs Report of Reconstruction Nias 2006


To DOWNLOAD a file of NGO/Agencies Report in Nias for the year 2006, please click title of this post or click the link below. You will have a big picture of the involvement of every single agency during humanity effort and reconstruction after this poor region was hit by Tsunami and Earthquake in Dec 2004 and March 2005. There are 33 organizations were covered in this report.


This report was prepared for Nias Island Stakeholders Meeting ( NISM 2) in Nias, 2006